reformed in theology



Sunday worship Services ● 1st service (10AM) 2nd service (12PM)

Throughout Scripture, God declares who we are as the church: we are one body made of many parts, the bride of Christ, and the household of the King. But as we navigate a world marked by conflicts and strife, we find the church confronted with the same struggles that divide rather than unite us. How, then, is the Christian to respond to the disconnect between who God says we are and the brokenness we experience in our everyday lives? 

We look no further than the book of Ephesians to see that the Lord is insistent on carrying out His redemptive purposes in and through the church. In His kindness and grace toward us, our Lord promises to transform the church from weakness to Christlikeness. Join us as we explore what it means to be united to Christ and to one another as His church — the glory and grace of God made visible.

Join us as we explore the book of Ephesians!




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